Friday, July 27, 2012

T-Shirt Time - Friday Twofer

In an attempt to make up for my lack of postage yesterday, I present to you all not one, but two epic T-shirts worn by some pretty rad New Yorkers. 

Our first shirt comes from Jake, a 20-something dude with a love for Scott Pilgrim. If you're unfamiliar with the comic series or the movie (starring Michael Cera and Mary Elizabeth Winstead, and featuring some epic cameos by Chris Evans and Anna Kendrick), the lead character spends the entire story fighting the Seven Evil Ex Boyfriends of is soon to be lady love, Ramona. While his wardrobe choices aren't an essential part of the plot, comic scribe Bryan Lee O'Malley made sure to give Scott a unique collection of super-awesome T-shirts. The shirt pictured above was worn by Scott in his fight against Evil Ex-Boyfriend #3, played by Brandon Routh of Superman Return fame. Our friend Jake is bought the shirt online, and you can check out the entire gallery of tees here.

Our second shirt was sported by the lovely Ellessia (God I hope I spelled that correctly) on her way in to work earlier this morning. I'm sure the logo is recognizable enough to even the most uneducated of nerds, and this Wonder Woman says that she has an entire collection of shirts inspired by Diana of Themyscria in her wardrobe (one of which even has an attachable cape to go along with it). She found this shirt at a novelty T-shirt shop around Time Square, but I'm sure variations of this top can be found at any mall store such as Spencers or Hot Topic. 

Happy hunting for these two awesome tees! And check back later today for our regularly scheduled programming.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Shut Up And Watch This - Written By A Kid

With the recent announcement that the nerd-cult classic web series The Guild will be returning to the internet for a 6th season, Felicia Day fans have been practically wetting themselves in anticipation for what this wacky cast of MMORPG-ers will get into this time around. But what has Felicia been up to in her downtime? Creating an entire YouTube channel based around being weird, of course!

Geek & Sundry premiered back in April with a ton of original content, ranging from a show about N-List Celebrities (that's Nerd List, of course) playing obscure board games to releasing exclusive Behind The Scenes content for The Guild. Last week, one of their most original creations hit the world wide web: a series based around bring children's stories to life.

Check out the first episode, titled Scary Smash which, coincidentally, co-stars yesterday's Throwback Attack profiled celebrity, Joss Whedon!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Throwback Attack - Joss Whedon, Comic Book Writer?

Joss Whedon: the name alone inspires awe and wonder in the hearts of film and television geeks. Whether you've already seen The Avengers seven times in theaters or you've practically burned a hole in your DVD Box Set of Firefly, chances are if you own a television, you know the name. But did you also know Mr. Whedon has spent the last decade of his career writing comics as well? Wa-BAM. Fun factoid. 

Meet Melaka Fray, Joss' first ever comic book super heroine. Springing from the pages of the original not-so-canon Buffy the Vampire Slayer comic books in the late 90s, the comic Fray is set in a distant dystopian future where vampires are the equivalent of pigeons along the streets of New York City (now renamed Haddyn) and the slayer line has been almost completely obliterated. Even if you're not a fan of the original TV fun of Buffy (though you really should be), this story reads like an old school pulp magazine with a mythological kick. By the end, readers are completely satisfied with the story they've just read, and many may even be thinking "Buffy? Who's that again?"

After the underground success of Fray, Whedon took to the comic pages once again to continue the adventures of his favorite space pirates. Serenity: Those Left Behind and Serenity: Better Days follow the space crew in the between time of when Firefly ended and the box office flop Serenity took place, giving readers another chance to relive the glory days with the crew.

Realizing that he could continue his shows in comic book form, Whedon teamed up with Dark Horse comics in 2007 to create one of the most unheard of comic book adventures in modern history: an eighth season of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Even after four years off air, the demand for new stories from the Buffyverse was at an all time high, with fans continuously speculating the possibility of a Spike/Willow movie or the BBC mini-series version of The Ripper (which we hear is still in production limbo). Instead, Joss decided to continue his hand at comic book stardom and signed on with Dark Horse to produce a 40 issue limited series that would fall under the title of Buffy Season Eight.

The stories in Season Eight are some of the most fantastic (and often times outrageous) the series had ever seen, and fans ate it up like there was no tomorrow. After a four year run and millions of issues later (and an Angel series at rival publishers IDW), Whedon wrapped up the story with a tidy bow and brought our girl back to her vamp slaying roots, giving fans everything they could have wanted and more. Now, Buffy Season Nine and sister comic Angel & Faith continue to be one of the highest selling series at Dark Horse comics, giving fans more stories from their favorite crime fighters and blood suckers.

As Whedon's success in the comic book world blew up, Marvel decided to bring him on board for on of the most earth shattering series to date. Astonishing X-Men has often times been a title that fans consider "non canon" due to the constant rotation of team members and often times ridiculous stories, and usually the series would be cancelled after limited run only to be resurrected again years later to fail again. In the hands of Whedon, however, this Astonishing team saw some major developments that are still causing ripples in the Marvel Universe. If you're looking for a good jumping-off point to get into any X-titles, this is definitely a good place to start.

Joss Whedon: Proving that you can actually do it all and still be pretty decent at it.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Weekly Round Up 7/23/12

  • Ever wonder what it would be like if The X-Files and Raiders of the Lost Arc had a baby? If so, check out the 4th season premiere of Warehouse 13, another SyFy original program premiering at 9:00 PM.
  • Out with the old and in with the new. SyFy kicks off the second season of Alphas afterwards at 10:00 PM, proving that even humans can be kind of super sometimes.

  • I know I'm not the only Whedonite out there, right? Angel & Faith #12 comes out with an inter-dimensional bang this week, bringing readers into an ultimate hell dimension with the help of one Willow Rosenberg from Buffy.
  • Can't wait another week for the next #AvX title to come out? Be sure keep up with the whole story by picking up this weeks round of tie-ins! X-Men Legacy #270, Wolverine and The X-Men #14, and  Avengers #28!
  • It's not too late to dive into the spin-off title from the critically acclaimed Kick-Ass! Hit-Girl #2 hits stands this week, and this issues is sure to pack a mean punch. (See what I did there?)
  • More DCU #11 titles this week: All Star Western, Aquaman, Batman: The Dark Knight, Flash, Green Lantern, Green Lantern: New Guardians, I Vampire, Justice League Dark, Superman, Teen Titans, and Voodoo.

DVD Releases for July 24th
  • Calling all Trekies: You can now watch Star Trek: The Next Generation in beautiful High-Definition with the release of Season 1 on Blu-Ray. Because, let's face it, you can never get enough of Wil Wheaton.
  • Fans of the DC Universe will be happy to hear that Young Justice: Deadly Secrets comes out on DVD this week. The set contains 13 episodes from the show's first season, and if you were ever a fan of the teen Titans, this cartoon is a definite must watch.

Other Cool Stuff

  • Have you seriously not seen The Dark Knight Rises yet? Okay, fine, I'll give you another week. 

Friday, July 20, 2012

A Moment Of Silence For Aurora

The tragedy in Aurora is one of the most devastating acts of random violence in recent years. How one person could cause so much pain to all those affected by his actions is beyond me. It's even worse when people try to blame the media for influencing such acts of aggression. If anything, this tragedy proves that for every one villain out there in the world, there are hundreds of thousands of good souls who will always fight the good fight. Grant Morrison said it best: "We love our superheroes because they refuse to give up on us. We can analyze them out of existence, kill them, ban them, mock them, and still they return, patiently reminding us of who we are and what we wish we could be."

Keep all those affected in your thoughts and prayers. This is a tragedy that affects the entire nation, and we must all be strong for one another.

Fandom Fridays - Dubstep Remixes

There are few things I love as much as comic books and superheroes, but one of my top five secret shames will always be dubstep remixes of anything. And I literally mean anything. From pop songs to folk music, DJs these days have taken to sampling anything and everything they can. And this certainly doesn't exclude all things weird and nerdy.

I know it might appear that these people have way too much time on their hands, but I promise these are worth a listen even if you're not into Electronic Dance Music. One of my all time favorite remixes is one from The Hunger Games, done by a fantastic DJ by the name of Blizaux. Using sound clips from the film itself and modified versions of songs straight off the soundtrack, he's able to create an interesting musical tapestry that I've listened to more times than I would care to admit. Take a listen below!

If this tickled your fancy, you could literally spend hours on YouTube looking up variosu remixes of your favorite movies, video games, and television shows. I'd suggest giving "Harry Potter Deb Step" a few searches if you're into that sort of thing, and although I would never in a million years suggest that anybody be a fan of Twilight, I'm sure there's somebody sick enough to create a remix or two from that horrid series.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

T-Shirt Time - The Avengers

Have you ever noticed somebody wearing a Superman t-shirt, and then for the next 24 hours you notice every other person wearing the same logo out in public? Well, that's what my life is like on a daily basis. Since my mind is constantly racing about comic books and superheroes, I always tend to notice the nerdier side of things that would often times pass people by. 

On my walk home from work last week along 8th Ave, I passed by an older gentleman wearing a pretty fantastic Avengers shirt. When I stopped him to take a picture he seemed more than happy to oblige. Although I didn't catch the man's name (he seemed a little sketched out when I told him I had a blog, as if he thought I just go around taking pictures of random strangers for fun) but he did tell me this shirt was given to him as a gift. From where? No idea, but if anybody out there knows, please let me know. I wouldn't mind adding this to my collection of geektastic clothing options.

If you have your own nerdy shirts you want to send my way and have featured on The Weekly G33k, be sure to send them my way. Also be sure to include any other information you feel willing to share (name, hometown, where you bought the shirt, if you're single or not.... too far?)